Capacity building through Training of Trainers (TOT) programs and subsequent roll-out of learning activities in target communities by the trainers is a key approach in this project to transfer knowledge and skills on new or improved agricultural technologies and practices that can assist communities to adapt to climate change. We have been involved in facilitating a large number of learning activities targeting provincial Department of Agriculture and Livestock, Non-Government Organisations and other Community-Based Organisations and directly to community members. In order to enhance the effectiveness of learning outcomes in target groups, we have identified the need to take a more systematic approach in this area of agricultural research for development and support delivery of learning activities with standardized learning materials that are tailored to suit the target audience.
The training manuals have been developed with the aim of having in place a set of learning modules on selected agricultural technologies or practices containing relevant materials for building capacity at TOT level (as well as community level) and that will serve as templates for development of other relevant modules in the future. These manuals were prepared toward expanding the knowledge base of rural development officers, agriculture extension officers, schools teachers, livelihood officers, and any other interested persons to help train farmers as TOTs with the overall goal of up skilling and building capacity of farmers/trainers to be climate smart.