The new Strategy and Results Framework (SRF) 2021 – 2030 builds on the first SRF 2011 – 2020 which is grounded in the Agriculture Research for Development (AR4D) paradigm. AR4D is embedded within the agricultural innovations system framework and a widely accepted framework guiding framework across the world for agricultural research, donors and development practitioners. As part of the development of the new SRF, the Institute commissioned a review of the implementation progress of the previous SRF that included stakeholder assessments, sought further comments from senior Managers and Scientists and based on the insights and lessons learnt developed the new SRF.
Our goal and strategic objective as stated in the NARI Act 1996 have been reaffirmed during the strategic planning process:
While our goal is aspirational and linking into the country’s long-term vision as articulated in Vision 2050, our strategic objective expresses our commitment to actively contribute in all aspects of the agricultural development process with relevant research outputs and outcomes. Contributions would be made to the following development outcomes:
- Increased incomes and employment in rural areas arising from increased economic activities and business development
- Enhanced stability and resilience of livelihood systems of rural households and communities
- Production, productivity and efficiency of crop and livestock products increased and producers better linked through efficient value chains to profitable markets at scale
- Rural and urban households consuming healthy balanced and nutritious diets
- Improved standards in Food and Feed safety in agricultural production and food/feed use are applied
- Enhanced and equitable benefits from agro-ecosystem goods and services
- Agricultural production systems are sustainably managed under changing climates and macroeconomic drivers
- Enhanced equity and inclusion achieved
NARI SRF 2021 -2030