Technical services conduct and support NARI research as well as providing services to the wider agricultural community through:
➢ Professor John Kola Chemistry laboratory
➢ MRC Biotechnology Centre
➢ Aiyura Tissue Culture Laboratory
➢ Information and Knowledge services
➢ National Agricultural Insect Collection
➢ Regional Centre Genetic Resources Management
Chemistry Laboratory Testing Services
The Professor John Kola Chemistry Laboratory is a national chemical testing laboratory, accredited under the PNG Laboratory Accreditation Scheme. It is an ISO/IEC 17025 registered laboratory and offers a wide range of chemical (trace and heavy metals), physiochemical parameters (ions and anions) and bacteriological (anaerobic coliform).
Biotechnology Services
NARI has two operating tissue culture laboratories. The smaller laboratory at the Bubia Momase Regional Centre Biotechnology Laboratory has focused on research. The larger facility at Aiyura is a shared facility between NARI and Coffee Industry Corporation (CIC).
Information and Knowledge Services
The institute continues to support the sector at large with various information on agricultural research, innovative practices and technologies as well as documenting traditional and adaptive knowledge to stimulate discussion and further research and development.
National Agricultural Insect Collection
The National Agricultural Insect Collection (NAIC) is the key service activity. The collection holds more than 200,000 insect specimens. Adding specimens to the NAIC database continues to be the main task. This is designed to be a photographic database and will have web access.