Following the 1997 drought, we have developed strategies to prepare vulnerable communities to cope with the likely effects of recurring drought events. Several climate resilient related projects have been implemented across the country in partnership with key stakeholders. A number of mega projects were undertaken and continue to implement new projects at building greater drought resilient agricultural communities in PNG.
Some of our strategies that are being implemented include: improved crop varieties, food processing and preservation, natural resources management, integrating indigenous knowledge, and generating cash income saved to buy food. Awareness of these strategies is being conducted through various channels; mass media, provincial/national events, field and open days, farmer resource centres and through the annual agricultural innovation show.
We continue to work food security through building resilience and preparedness to cope with weather and climate change induced stresses. Our agricultural research for development framework has been key to developing and sharing knowledge to build resilience through improved techniques in crop and variety selection, food preservation, and crop, soil and water management. The ‘climate smart’ techniques not only improve resilience, as food farming practices also contribute to green house gas mitigation efforts. The work has been supported with funding support from by the national government and our development partners. Our key development partners are the European Union and Australia (Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research, PNG Incentive Fund).
Our work in climate change related areas covers:
- Capacity building of partners through training of trainers (and at community level) for more rapid uptake of technologies
- Development of climate change resilient messages
- Testing and improvement of training and learning materials
- Research studies related to climate change resilience
- Partner engagement for development of resource centres and pilot sites
- Multiplication of foundation planting materials and livestock for distribution
- Public input and awareness
- Social networking and communication
- Development of web and mobile app frameworks
We are tackling key climate related issues through several complementary projects supported by our development partners.