Pilot Sites

The project is being implemented at various sites in Madang, Morobe, Manus, West New Britain, Central, Milne Bay, and Gulf provinces. The sites in these provinces were selected based on the assessment reports of various institutions, particularly, the National Disaster Centre, which found them to be among the severely affected and in disaster categories 4 and 5 during the 2015/16 drought.

Overall, it is expected that the Action will be directly benefitting approximately 1000 households in 8-12 pilot sites and 8-12 out-reach sites each, while indirectly up to 20-50,000 households can be reached during the life-time of the project. Considering multiplier effects and further programs from the organizations and local partners participating in the Action after the Action has concluded, up to 500,000 households in target districts will benefit within 5 years after conclusion of the Action.

No.LLG/SiteDistrictProvinceLLG PopulationDistrict population
2WatutWau BuloloMorobe17480101568
4NayudoRai CoastMadang942182218
5Bali VituTalaseaWNB16.66518999
7Rigo CoastRigoCentral1542256, 509
9LousidiadeSamarai u2013 MuruaMilne Bay2322558590