NARI extends Tenancy Agreement with Wantok Enterprise Limited

The PNG National Agricultural Research Institute has entered into a Tenancy Agreement with Wantok Produce Limited for the leasing of NARI property for the development of an agricultural produce processing facility. The tenancy agreement commences in 2024 and ends in December 2026.

An Agreement to that effect was signed between NARI’s Director General Dr Nelson Simbiken on behalf of NARI Enterprise Limited (NARI EL) with Wantok Produce Limited (WPL) Director Dr Pulotu Lautofa McCarthy on August 23rd 2024. The signing of the agreement allows WPL to stay on in NARI premises and continue the collaboration work on taro production and export between the two parties. The occasion was witnessed by NARI Council Chairman Nimo Kama and Physical Facilities Manager, Thomas Omot.