Service honors late Sir Michael Somare

On February 26, amidst a nation in mourning, staff and families of the National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) gathered to pay tribute to the late Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare in a solemn memorial service. The occasion served as a poignant reminder of Sir Michael’s profound influence on Papua New Guinea and his enduring legacy as a visionary leader.

Director General Dr. Nelson Simbiken, in his address, invoked Sir Michael Somare’s leadership and humility as guiding principles for NARI staff. He urged them to recognize their inherent potential and embrace their roles as agents of positive change, echoing Sir Michael’s unwavering belief in the ability of individuals to shape the destiny of their nation.

“Do not underestimate the power and potential that God has vested in you to create change,” Dr. Simbiken emphasized, challenging the NARI staff to contribute meaningfully to the institute’s growth and development, thereby advancing the broader national agenda.

The memorial service, marking the 3rd anniversary of Sir Michael’s passing, was marked with solemn rituals including prayers, singing of the national anthem, recitation of the national pledge, and a moment of silence in honor of the late Grand Chief.

In his closing remarks, Dr. Simbiken reiterated the importance of remaining positive and harnessing one’s true potential to effect positive change in the country. He called upon NARI staff to uphold Sir Michael’s legacy of leadership and service with unwavering dedication.

In a move to commemorate Sir Michael Somare’s leadership and honor his legacy, NARI has initiated discussions with the East Sepik Provincial government to establish the Lady Veronica Somare Research Centre. Located in Moim village, north of the Sepik River, this center will focus on research related to sago, marking the first of its kind in Papua New Guinea.

These discussions aim to ensure that the establishment of the research center aligns with the nation’s broader objectives, particularly in enhancing food security amidst the challenges posed by climate change. Sago, along with oil palm plants, plays a crucial role in absorbing carbon emissions from the atmosphere, underscoring the significance of sustainable agricultural practices in mitigating environmental impacts.

Through initiatives such as the Lady Veronica Somare Research Centre, NARI seeks to honor Sir Michael Somare’s enduring legacy while advancing research and innovation in agriculture, thereby contributing to the prosperity and resilience of Papua New Guinea’s agricultural sector.

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