Trust, integrity and good leadership will take PNG forward

Papua New Guinea needs leaders who portray values as trust, integrity and good leadership in order for the country to see positive developments. 

This message was echoed by Team Leader Crops Gure’ahafo Tumae when giving the official independence speech during the country’s 46th Independence celebrations attended by staff and their families in Lae on September 16. 

Mr Tumae paid tribute to one of the founding fathers and longest serving prime minister late Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare who passed on in February this year. 

Sir Michael’s lasting legacy was clearly defined when the entire nation mourned the loss of this great and influential leader. 

Staff was encouraged to demonstrate values led by late Sir Michael through various roles they played and ensure NARI continues to deliver and contribute to-wards positive developments within the agriculture sector. 

“Research should be properly carried out and pack-aged for the farming community. As a nation we should ask ourselves what the country has achieved. Everyone has an important role to play as employees of this institute,” Mr Tumae expressed. 

Mr Tumae ended with a strong remark saying no country was independent unless its leaders are leading with honesty, ensuring the country is free from debt; government functions well and fulfils its national aspirations, groom future generation to be better leaders and living in unity. 

Agriculture Systems Programme Director Dr Birte Komolong briefly remarked that PNG gained independence peacefully and has a responsibility to look after the welfare of its citizens. 

“Everyone speaks about rights but we all have to take responsibility and not only think about ourselves but think of others. This is the essence of what it means to be a nation,” Dr Komolong remarked. 

Acting Human Talent and Development Manager Josaiah Hap in his closing remarks reiterated similar words saying everyone has a responsibility to do what is right. 

Mr Hap expressed that our actions define who we are and without change we cannot make any progress as a nation.

Staff children performing a contemporary dance

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