Maintaining rice varieties in the field

A team of officers from Momase Regional Centre in Bubia, Lae are working to ensure good quality

rice varieties are maintained. The team transplanted rice seeds which were introduced to NARI at various times. The aim of this activity is to generate advanced field trials using some of the NARI recommended rice

varieties in the near future. Crop Improvement Scientist Cyril Atung is leading the team to continue growing the rice varieties. The international rice varieties range from soil and salt tolerant lines, brown plant hopper tolerant and aromatic lines which have been kept at NARI.

Breeding lines in rice refers to a distinct trait which differs from one variety to the other.

Mr Atung explains that one rice variety may have a distinct smell when cooked, tolerant to a type of soil or can withstand a pest or disease.

NARI has so far developed four upland rice varieties for the lowlands and two for high altitude areas.