ACIAR PNG Country Manager visits galip factory

Doreen Iga, ACIAR PNG country manager visited the galip factory in Kerevat, East New Britain recently.

Ms Iga’s two-hour visit to see how galip was processed from buying point, to depulping of fresh galip nuts, various drying stages and product packaging at the factory.

She saw the rearing of the Galip Weevil in the laboratory and the field.

Staff at Kerevat displayed some of their research projects on tree improvement trials, processing and product development trials in the factory.

Ms Iga commended staff for their continued efforts and commitment during the Covid-19 pandemic.

She said the pandemic had created a new way of thinking and working with not only our partners but collaborated efforts with other stakeholders.

She said staff should appreciate the expertise they have and use it to develop research concepts based on probable interests for the institute and country.

“This is the time that Papua New Guineans start thinking about these things”, Ms Iga said.

Under the galip trees, she was presented with packed galip kernels and a copy of the new Galip recipe book for PNG. She was also given four extra packs and recipe books for the Australian High Commissioners office.