Economic resilience and development

Contributing to economic resilience and development by enhancing agricultural markets, value chains and trade Markets, value chains and trade are not well developed in PNG and much of the agricultural produce for local consumption is traded in informal markets. But there is a strong drive by the PNG Government for a transition from the traditional subsistence and semi-commercial production system to an agribusiness oriented Micro-Small to Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) model of agriculture farming. NARI and partners use a whole value-chain approach to address the constraints in selected priority value-chains. Other AR4D strategies will explore opportunities in enhancing value-addition or advancing other forms of down-stream processing of crop and livestock products and research interventions.

Targeted Results

  • Increased economic returns to value chain actors from production, sale and added value of crop and livestock products;
  • Increased equity, inclusion and participation of women, youth and other socially vulnerable groups in priority value chains;
  • Market system actors take up novel business opportunities in production and downstream processing of crop, livestock, aquaculture or non-food products in an environmentally sustainable manner;
  • Market accessions for export of PNG’s agricultural products that promote local content of market share;
  • An efficient institutional and policy environment that promotes productivity, food safety standards, and maintains an efficient value chain in all market levels;
  • Increased localisation and import-substitution of target crops and livestock by locally based industries;
  • Alternative agricultural export opportunities from crop, livestock, aquaculture and non-food products realised and reflected in the national agricultural development agenda;