Infrastructure development completed at Watut

After some delays due to various constraints beyond our control, infrastructure development at the Watut site was finally completed during mid-February. With the full-time commitment and support of our Facilities Team, work on infrastructure development at all pilot sites is taking shape and is expected to be completed by end of March.

Four weeks of full-time engagement of our carpentry team and supported by helping hands from locals has ensured the completion of the nursery and poultry shed on schedule. A delighted, Rural Development Officer, Jack Govara, said he was very thankful to the team for doing a great job and getting it done on schedule. He was also thankful to NARI through the EUCCR project for choosing Watut as one of the sites selected and was looking forward to the next phase of the activities there. He said the Local Level Government and his team was ready to start the next phase of the project; to multiple and roll out planting materials and livestock (poultry) from the newly completed facility.

With the buildings completed, the project technical will now move in to set up the sheds and establish the central seed garden. Planting materials and poultry multiplied at the facility would be made available to the entire Watut community. An incubator is planned to be installed at the poultry shed to speed up the hatching of eggs and multiply quality chicks for distribution. Similar arrangements are to be rolled out to Kome, Selepet, Teptep, Rigo, and Misima sites. Whilst waiting for the arrival of the incubators, poultry (duck, village chicken) would be placed in the sheds as soon as the buildings are ready and become available for use.

So far infrastructure developments at Selepet, Kome, and Teptep along with Watut have been completed. The Facility Team is focusing its attention get the same done at Bubuleta (Milne Bay), Rigo Coast (Central), and Talasia (WNB). Prototypes of the structure being developed at the project sites are also being developed at NARI project implementing centres; MRC – Bubia, SRC – Laloki, and IRC – Keravat.

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